A pinch of sea salt, a coconut dusting,
on chocolate, raspberry, strawberry,
a spoon of vanilla, a sprinkle of chili,
I used agave but you can use honey......
Chocolate was my very first post,
when I began this blog 5 months ago,
I made this tart with almost the same things,
Its just so good, it makes my heart sing :-)
I'll copy down the recipe once more,
Do make it now if you haven't before......
3 Avocados
1/4 cup Agave (or Honey)
2 tablespoons Cacao powder (or more if desired)
1 tablespoon Vanilla extract
a pinch of Sea Salt
a sprinkling of Chili powder (optional)
Blend or process. Make it sensual and glossy,
taste, adjust, then wait.....
1 cup ground Macadamia (or Almonds)
1/2 cup fine dessicated coconut
1 tablespoon Agave
pinch of salt
Mix all till it holds together.
Method :
Use a ring or cutter. Press the base mixture at the bottom.
Make a thin layer.
Scoop the filling on top and pack it in.
Make the surface even.
Set in the freezer for 3 hours.
Unmold with care.
You can draw melted white Chocolate,
or dust some dessicated Coconut on the surface.
The last time I'd used banana slices, this time it was
raspberries and strawberries.....
Notes :
Use firm and ripe Avocados, but take care
that they are not over ripe or discolored.
Avocados and nuts are both natural healthy fats,
high in nutrients and delicious too.
I had some Van Houten cacao powder,
so I used it this time,it is dark and quite intense.
Otherwise I use Green & Blacks organic Cacao,
or Raw cacao that I order online.
Please adjust the quantities of both cacao and agave,
as strong or sweet as you desire....
I like a bit of heat and chili works wonders
with cacao :-)
it simply gets all over the hands, clothes and surfaces....
I guess I'm just clumsy and end up making a real mess!
Oh well, practice makes perfect, so it just means
I'll have to make Chocolate more often ;-)
Keep it Simple. Be Creative.
Taste and Play. Find your Own Way.